Fund for Class Parties 2024-2025
Anderson Nation,
Our fabulous Anderson Room Parent Team is gearing up for our classroom party season.
Our Room Parents will plan a total of three parties every school year. We host these parties as a team, ensuring each child has an equally great party experience.
- Winter Wonderland Party on December 20th
- Valentine's Party on February 14th (in-class students & teachers only)
- End of Year Carnival on May 20th
Our PTA provides some money, per classroom, for each of our parties. To supplement the PTA contribution, we are requesting that each family to contribute $10, per child, to the classroom party fund. This money will be used to purchase supplies and refreshments for all three parties this year.
Thank you, so much, for helping us make your child’s classroom parties a great success!
Your Anderson Room Parents
PLEASE NOTE: If you are not already logged in, you will be directed to log in first, then taken to the Class Parties form. Please check that you student is listed as an 'Active' Student under the 'Your Information' section.